Are You the Only Muslim in your family?

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Being a Muslim is without a doubt a blessing and the best decision that anyone can take is to accept Islam. However, as new Muslims we often face multiple challenges and hardships when we come to Islam. It could be in the form of loneliness and feeling isolated, unemployment or different kinds of physical and mental abuse.

In terms of family, as new Muslims we can face conflicts with our family members resulting homelessness, estrangement and feeling left out. 

Below I want to briefly reflect on some examples that serve as a reminder to us new Muslims that whatever we are going through it is through our struggles and hardships that Allah raises our status and we can draw closer to Him.

Ibrahim the Father of Many Nations 

Ibrahim alayhis Salam was from the ancient city of Babylon which is in present day Iraq. His father Azar was not only an idol worshipper but he also used to make them! 

Even as a child Prophet Ibrahim alayhis Salam had rejected the worship of Idols as it never made any sense to him. Apart from idols, the people of his city also worshipped things from nature such as the sun, stars and moon. He rejected all of these and declared that he would worship the One who had created all of these created things.

“I have turned my face towards the One Who has originated the heavens and the earth—being upright—and I am not one of the polytheists.”

Al-An’am 6:79

His father even threatened to kill Ibrahim because he rejected the worship of idols:

He (the father) said: “Do you reject my gods, O Ibrahim (Abraham)? If you stop not (this), I will indeed stone you. So get away from me safely before I punish you.” 

Surah Maryam 19:46

Ibrahim alayhis salam got into trouble with his community and they tried to burn him alive because he tried to expose their ignorance of worshipping created things that cannot hear, see or speak. Allah describes the Prophet Ibrahim alayhis Salam as being an ummah (nation) by himself.

Throughout these extreme trials he maintained his faith and composure without compromising his deen. Ibrahim alayhis Salam is the most revered prophet after Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasalam. His legacy still lives with us today in our forms of worship such as hajj and we mention his name in the salah. He is known as the friend of Allah.

Maryam mother of Jesus

Although Maryam alayhas salam did not change her religion she faced a trial that was unlike any other faced in the history of the world.

Maryam, who had been dedicated to the temple by her mother from birth and entrusted to her uncle Zakariyyah, was known for her piety and intelligence. She is known as one of those who were close to Allah so much so that Zakariyyah would find her with food that was only available during the summer in the winter months and vice versa. 

‘So her Lord accepted her with good acceptance and caused her to grow in a good manner and put her in the care of Zakariyyah. Every time Zakariyyah entered upon her in the prayer chamber, he found with her provision. He said, “O Mary, from where is this [coming] to you?” She said, “It is from Allah . Indeed, Allah provides for whom He wills without account.”

Surah Âl-`Imrân: 37 

Just as Maryam alayhas salam used to receive food that did not come from the hands of a human being likewise Allah placed inside of her womb His slave, the Prophet Isa alayhis Salam as a sign for all mankind. Yet this was no easy task for Maryam, she went outside of the city during her pregnancy and she gave birth alone.

When she came to her people as a single mother with her newborn baby they accused her of being unchaste. Allah caused the Prophet Isa alayhis to speak as a baby in her defence, a miracle that silenced her critics. 

Sometimes the best thing for us to do is practice patience by staying quiet and making dua and let Allah perform miracles in our lives.

Salman al Farsi

The story of Salman al Farsi, may Allah be pleased with him, is inspirational due to his quest for the truth that took him across lands and resulted in him becoming a slave before being freed and able to join Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa salam. 

Salman Al Farsi was from Persia and from a well to do family. His father was the chief of his village and the richest man there. When Salman expressed his interest in Christianity claiming that it was better than their religion of fire worship, his father became afraid that his son would leave their religion. He was so afraid that he went as far as tying Salman up in the house so he couldn’t leave. 

Salman, may Allah be pleased with him, managed to free himself and left his family, his home and his city not knowing where he would end up but determined to find the true religion. As a result he faced many tests and trials but he also learned many valuable lessons along the way. 

Sometimes we may be faced with the greatest tests and trials and although we may be facing them alone remember that Allah does not place a burden on a soul more than it can bear. He only gives the toughest trials to His greatest warriors. 

The story of the Boy and the King. 

In the 85th chapter of the Quran, Surah Buruj, Allah mentions the story of a nation who were killed because of their belief in Allah. In the hadith Prophet Muhammad tells us the full story of The Boy and the King. If you don’t know of that story you can check it out here insha Allah.

Long story short a young boy who was training to be a magician for the king discovers Christianity which was the religion of Allah at the time. When the king found out about this new religion which was pretty much unheard of where they lived he insisted that the boy give it up. 

The king went as far to threaten the boy’s life multiple times trying to kill him. Yet, due to the faith and prayers of the boy Allah saved him. Until eventually the king was successful in killing the boy publicly but that resulted in the acceptance of Christianity by the whole town. 

This boy stood alone against a mighty king and his army who attempted to kill him many times. While hiding his religion from his family and teacher he was often beaten for being late. He suffered a great deal to learn the religion of Allah against all the odds and his faith was tested with his life many times but he was never deterred from staying upon the truth. 

Being the only Muslim in your family is not easy. 

Hiding your belief in Allah to follow the true religion from your family is not easy. 

Standing alone in the face of much unwanted criticism and ridicule is not easy. 

Leaving your family, your place of birth and the things you are familiar with and love is not easy. 

You may be the only Muslim in your family right now but remember you are not alone. 

Allah is with you.

May Allah keep us steadfast upon His deen and guide our families to the straight path ameen.

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Samar Asamoah is a revert of 20 years and was a single mother for 13 years. She is an artist, hijama therapist at The Hijama Ninja and the creator and host of The Niqabi Diaries podcast.

Articles: 3

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