Brother Hamza

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My name is: Hamza


I am: 36 years old


I am from: United Kingdom


Before I became a Muslim, I was: Agnostic


I have been a Muslim for: 7 years


I became a Muslim because: 


It is the most rational choice. I was brought up secular, and felt there was something missing. Islam is the most rational belief. The longer I have gone on this journey, the more and more I am convinced it is the truth, my mental health and social life have all improved massively. I feel a sense of renewal whenever I perform salat. which, I must say wasn’t always the case in the early days. Alhamdullilah for Islam.


The best thing that has changed in my life is: 


I generally feel at peace with myself. I have very good friends and I am working on improving myself. I don’t pretend to be the most studious or the most pious, but I am trying my best.

ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّٰه


My advice to someone who is looking into Islam is:


it is the best choice you can make. Islam is for everyone !


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