My name is: Pedro Abdelhaq
I am: 36 years old
I am from: Venezuela
Before I became a Muslim, I was: Christian
I have been a Muslim for: 8 years
I became a Muslim because: I was looking for the truth, since I was a teenager.
I believed in God, mum inspired me so.
I read the bible, its history and the history of Christianity.
When I was 16, in final high school year; I was convinced after consideration that Jesus, peace be upon him, was a messenger of God.
In University I met someone from Morocco. We became friends and spent lots of time together.
When he explained me about islam, a deep feeling of attraction towards it woke up inside of me.
I asked many questions and got the right answers. I read a lot and watched lots of talks.
I learned about the religion. The more I learned, the more it made sense to me.
But doubts fed by TV news and Muslims’ demeanor still held me back from becoming close to embrace it.
But after 9 years of getting to know about Islam for the first time…Allah put me in a dire situation where I felt lost and depressed.
I made supplication in prostration and cried for a while. I begged for guidance and after a day or two, I saw the world in a very different light.
I started having feelings I only remembered having as a child. I was filled with hope and purpose.
All that information that I knew made sense and suddenly I had conviction Islam was the truth.
The best thing that has changed in my life is:
My advice to someone who is looking into Islam is:
Beg passionately for guidance to God everyday. He replies to all his creation
Satan needs you to lose focus on this so you die in disbelief or ignorance.