Sister Birte

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My name is: Birte


I am: 31 years old


I am from: Germany


Before I became a Muslim, I was: Christian


I have been a Muslim for: 6 years


I became a Muslim because: 

I grew up in a non-religious household, but always believed in one god. With 13 I joined church classes, because it is the most familiar religion in Germany. Even though I joined church, many things did not make sense/feel right to me (trinity, pictures/statues of Jesus, that there ist a priest between the parish and god). Also I never felt a connection when folding my hands and trying to pray.
I met my now husband in 2016 and he and his family just glowed from the inside out. After watching him pray, realizing that he does not drink alcohol, how he treats his mother and many more reasons, I did a lot of research on islam (youtube – I recommend the channel “Let the quran speak”) and reading books (got send free books from Saudi Arabia after a tipp of youtuber Sam J Boyle in one of her videos). After 2 months I acceptet Islam, because I just knew it was the truth and right path.

الحمد لله


The best thing that has changed in my life is: 

Countless things
– I feel inner peace
– I live a healthy lifestyle (psychologically, physically and socially)
– I have a guide and answer to any question.


My advice to someone who is looking into Islam is:

– Read books, speak to muslims, find different sources. Don’t believe everything an imam says (my first experience was very bad)
– take baby steps, don’t let others pressure you
– surround yourself with like-minded people
– know that not everything muslims do is islamic. Some things are culturally influenced
– know that islam encourages you to gain knowledge and get answers (you don’t have to accept everything blindly. Ask and I promise you’ll find a logical answer in Islam)

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